Emma, one of my main characters is not well. She never hides this fact from Casey, my other main character. Still, given fair warning, Casey is unable to predict just how insane Emma's life is. Casey is from a very positive, somewhat easy walk of life. His parents are still married, he has two older sisters that always looked out for him. He was able to go to college on his own terms. Now he has a pretty good job and makes good money living in his hometown. Emma is the polar opposite. To reveal much about her would sort of spoil the reading of the story so you will just have to imagine what the differences between them are.
As with many of my other stories, there is some romance, but in the writing of this story, it has taken a backseat to the larger social issue. It will still be there, but other ideas have taken precedent. I didn't want to over romanticize the story too much as I want it to maintain that real life feel that most of my stories hold onto.
I have three possible endings in mind. I was never really one for the super happy ending. I just don't find it believable. I don't believe you can get from torn and broken to ultra happy in the span of one book. Or, as the story goes, just a few weeks. I also don't want the book to be a massive downer. I want it to appeal to the masses...but I refuse to sellout and make a puff piece that people will read and feel and warm and fuzzy. I know where the climax will be, but I'm unsure just how far I want to push this. I do know that the ending, or climax I should say, will leave people with a big "HOLY CRAP!"
My editor is giving me her 2 cents and it's well appreciated. I think when it's all said and done I will be especially proud of this work. It's real, it's gritty, and it refuses to sellout.
The cat picture? That's just there to make you go "Oh! Look! Cats!"
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