First draft is done and in record time. Now comes what can be seen as either the really easy part or the really hard part. I don't mind editing, but as most writers, when we edit our own work, we tend to miss little things here and there such as spelling and grammar. I had a few mistakes in the final cut of RH, but after reviewing it, it didn't take away from the story at all so I was able to live with it. Besides, there is always a second edition.
Still, I am not slowing down. I wrote pretty much all day today, so I am going to have a shower and try to relax so I can get started on revisions first thing in the morning. If i can get through this rather quickly, I would have the book ready and released in early July as I've progressed much further along that I thought I'd be able to.
This is inspirational. I have been kinda procrastinating as I have yet to start my project. Reading your posts lets me know that I just need to get on it and get that first draft done. I will check out your work as soon as I get a kindle because I hate the idea of reading a book on my laptop.