One thing I've definitely done different than many of my fellow American writers is break from the norm of giving a "Disney-Like" ending to my work. Do things get worked out? Yes, they do, but not all endings are hearts and flowers as readers of my works know. I try to keep my story lines and endings very close to the chest and very much situated in real life. Sure, sometimes it's nice for things to work out perfectly, but as with real life, not everything is perfect. All I can promise is that all the questions I've been asked about my work as far as the overall plot will be answered. Along with the answers to those story lines will also be a few curve balls that no one could have seen coming. I want the story to mesh really well and I don't want there to be any holes so for that reason, I have already managed to write about 10k words of the final book.
I am also holding off on releasing EM. I was looking at a release as soon as mid September as most of you know I like to get things done and published so my readers can get their fill. I want to enrich the overall experience for those dedicated readers that went through each and every book. I want to make sure all questions are answered and when my readers on on the last pages of the last book, they will find themselves thinking back to other parts of my previous works and either smiling, crying, or perhaps both. I already know how it's going to end. I've known for several months now. While a few things have changed with the overall plot, the ending is still the same as it was when I dreamed of it.
That being said, please forgive me for holding onto Emily Martin a little longer than I thought I would. Please believe in me. I will try my hardest to delivery two of the best works of my life for you.
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