My stuff is still getting rewritten and editing like mad. I've dropped about 4500 words out of it overall which is not bad, but it needs more. My goal is 25k words at the very least. I'm not sure if I will hit it though as I am already in chapter 7 of 28. Who knows, I might make it. If I don't, it's not a huge deal. I just want the book to be shorter so people aren't overwhelmed by it. 500 pages is a lot to ask people to read. 60 years ago that wasn't a huge deal, but people have changed. Either way, it's no longer 513 pages as it was. Now it's closer to 500 and dropping so if I can get it to 450 that would be great.
In case you missed them, here are the two covers I did in the last couple of weeks. The first is for Ruby's book and the second is for mine. Hope you like them.
Hahaha, I love the title and cover of Ruby's book! I'll have to keep my eye out for that one.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious: what genre is your own book? Plenty of books today are quite long, especially in the fantasy genre (Game of Thrones, for instance, is over 800 pages long), and people gobble them up.
There's nothing wrong with putting parts of your book on the chopping block for a reason (weak or unnecessary scenes, parts that disrupt the flow of the novel, etc.), but word count alone makes me worry that maybe you're cutting out good parts just to keep it short.
Anyway, you know your writing best. Cheers to you and eventually completing your novel!
I'm not cutting just to cut. I'm killing a bad angle that needed to go and now just filling in small portions so there isn't a huge, gaping maw left behind. Even with this angle gone, the story is still solid. In fact, it's far better without it.
ReplyDeleteRuby's book has some very funny bits in it. She's sure to offend a few people, but that's how writing goes sometimes.
Thanks for the comment!