Monday, February 7, 2011

Angry Again

With writing, I've found that usually when I become inspired to write it's not only because of my love for the craft, but also because I have something personal to say. Passions lost and found prompt me write and express myself and oddly enough, anger has played a major role in that as well. There are times when I feel somewhat content with my life regardless of the challenges I am facing in my life and that tends to be a creative downfall. Why? When I lack conflict and challenges, I tend to close myself up and not say much if anything at all. While I do not live my life to search out conflict, for one reason or another I have been able to take those negative feelings and put them down as an artful and sometimes insightful look at life and the everyday fights we all endure as we work our way through life.

That being said, I find my fire burning again as the creative spark has given way to a massive influx of ideas and personal things to say. While it's rare that I write about myself directly, choosing to create characters and put them in similar situations instead, I do from time to time get very personal and in that attempt at self cleansing, sometimes anger others to the point of harming relationships. I have taken a step back from my life every now and then to see why it is that this happens and I think I have figured it out.

Everyone likes to think of themselves as an individual; someone completely different from everyone else on the planet, making them feel as if only they could ever be the person that they have become. Sadly, this is rather off course and certainly not the truth. I see people out there with tons of friends and they seem to be socially accepted in most circumstances. I, however, do not see them as an individual. I see them as a conformist; someone who has had their individuality stripped from them and turned into what we all like to think of as being socially acceptable. I have found that in life it's hard for most people to be taken seriously unless they are able to communicate with others on their level. Most people have this idea that they must do what society tells them to do or else you are an outcast and should not be taken seriously. Society tells us to get married and have children and conform the the standard definition of what we as a people have somehow decided to call normal. Be nice to your neighbors, always be kind to your friends, listen to your parents. I look at those phrases and i can't help but think what a complete load of crap.

My next two articles will be on topics such as these and yes, I have something personal to say.

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