Thursday, October 20, 2011


It seems there are countless people out there who want to tell you how to write. I find it rather alarming that there are more people looking to change my style of writing than there are people reading my material. To have someone tell you to change your writing style while never having read your work is absolutely ridiculous.

If there is any confusion as to what I am saying, here it is in plain English: there is no one, single way to write.

Write the way you feel is best for you. All these people out there telling you to write this way and that way are completely full of crap. Example: I've had three different professional editors tell me three different things and of course each of them thinks the others are full of it. So...who is correct? Maybe none of them are. Maybe they are so self serving that they don't even realize that they are just hurting themselves by constantly disagreeing with each other. Each of us has our own style of writing and our own methods. For anyone to come out and tell me what I am doing is wrong while not even taking the time to read any of my novels or short stories, or even my poems has no place in my life. Read my work, look at it from a literary standpoint, then maybe you can offer some critical review. Until then, I could care less about your "writing advice." Sharing experiences is fine, but when you tell me I am doing it all wrong, maybe you need to look in the mirror and say the same thing to yourself. You cannot say you support all writers, yet tell us we are all wrong in one form or another. Just as I have never said I am perfect nor is my work, I have also never told anyone they are wrong in the methods used for their creativity.

Pushing ideals on people is wrong, especially when you can't do the same thing for yourself.  And as I've always said, you cannot force people to do things they do not want to do. In my mind, doing that is a form of slavery and no one respects a slave master.


  1. I couldn't agree more! Rowling, Toliken, King etc. are all great writers, but they all have different writing styles. One has to find one's own style, that is one of the things that makes your story unique:)
    But when criticizing other peoples works, it is impossible to be 100% objective, personal preferences will always be there. But criticizing without actually reading someones work is just ridiculous:P
    Speaking of feedback, ever visited Wattpad?:) It's a writer community. Link on my blog^^,

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