Blue almond-shaped eyes and black hair,
light skin and full lips, and a sultry exotic look
An unusual combination from an unlikely pair and I am not exactly sure where I belong
Who am I and where do I fit in
I look at my skin and I don't belong where I am
Or do I
People look at me differently and they speak of my parents as if they are an anomaly
I don't see what the big deal is, but I am reminded of it everyday
I am accused of coloring my hair yet I take after my father
I am accused of wearing contacts, yet my eyes are blue like my mothers
The guys like my curves and for that, most of the other girls hate me.
I have only two real friends while the others just wanted to be associated with the girl with the mixed parents
I never understood that term
Since I was a child I was looked at differently, but at first it was only the adults
My mother picked me up from school and the teacher said I wasn't hers
Her hair is auburn and red, and matches her aura
While my black locks shimmer and command attention, contrasting to my pale image
Through high school it was much of the same as I was hated for my beauty
Accused of stealing others boyfriends, I locked myself in my room with my books
I read till i fell asleep, and my father was more than happy to keep the books coming
My mother admired me and told me I was smarter than she, but I never felt that way
In college I felt better and people accepted me
I was never an outcast and I was welcomed into a clique with many other "half breeds"
We were looked upon as rarities and murmurs circulated that we were coveted as partners
I'm still not sure why
I see my parents and they are still together and very happy
They raised me to be who I wanted to be and never preached "colors"
I wasn't White or Black or
Spanish or Asian or Mexican or whatever other labels people have for us
I was just me
Although I understand the prejudice, I still cannot accept it
I am not their idea of "white", but I am my mother's daughter and my father's little girl
I am not their idea of "Spanish", but I am my father's child and my mother's baby
I am only what I wish to be and not what you make me out to be