Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chapter 17

Turned out a little longer than i first anticipated, but it was good. The ending of it was a little difficult for me for some reason and I may go back to revise that part. It answered a few more questions and put the ball back in the court of the protagonist after the big blow up from a few chapters before. It also got him thinking about what he needs or should do with the situation. He is quickly realizing he cannot just sit back and ignore it. It has to be addressed whether he likes it or not. A supporting character is helping him alone, but as with most matters of the heart, your friends can only push you so far, then it's up to you to figure out what's best. He is at that stage now and Chapter 17 will see him finally making a decision. I obviously know what decision he will make, but the way I want to write it is still up in the air. Either way, I know the hardest part of this book for me is coming up, probably in chapter 19 as I will have to get incredibly descriptive with how I paint a particular event. I hope I can pull this off. Frankly, I am a little worried. I have been writing all this time and the culmination of all my efforts sadly rests on one event which if not written just right can really make this work look like complete trash. Let me get my main character to the show first, then perhaps worry about how it's going to be played out.

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